
如果你有很强的领导能力或者希望进一步发展你的技能, 学生领袖选拔是你走向职业生涯的入场券. Each of the positions offered through this process are built specifically to develop you in 10 key skill areas that the National Association of 大学 and Employers ranked as the top attributes employers are seeking on a candidate’s resume.


所有RA候选人均须参加其中一场资讯会. If you are un能力 to attend an information session please contact the Office of 住房和居住/通勤生活 at (207) 602-2272 or 给我们发邮件至housing-office@yscfrp.com.

事件 日期 Time 位置 应用程序可用 2023年11月15日 存在 12 a.m. 应用程序由于 2024年2月7日 存在 5 p.m. 会话信息 2023年11月15日 Ripich Commons,一楼 12 p.m. 会话信息 2023年12月5日 Ripich Commons,一楼 7 p.m. 会话信息 2024年1月9日 在线(变焦) 6 p.m. 会话信息 2024年1月24日 Ripich Commons,一楼 12 p.m. 会话信息 2024年2月4日 Ripich Commons,一楼 5 p.m. 领导撤退 TBD TBD TBD RA/OL/TB/SO候选人面试 2024年2月22日和23日 校园中心MPRs 9 a.m.–5 p.m. 五名候选人面试 2024年2月21日至23日 Decary 129 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. 领导候选人招待会 2月18日 论坛230/231 1–4 p.m.


The following positions are avail能力 for the 2024–2025 school year during the first round of selection:

Applications open Wednesday 2023年11月15日, and are due on Wednesday, 2024年2月7日.

Additional information and specifics about role responsibilities can be found on the application which becomes active at the beginning of each spring semester.


住宿顾问是把我们社区团结在一起的粘合剂. 这些住校学生职员与住校学生保持密切联系, 计划和实施项目, 执行大学政策. 表彰他们为建设安全幸福的环境所做的重要工作, 住宿顾问在一学年获得全额食宿. 作为领导者和同伴导师,RAs是积极的,负责任的,自力更生的,成熟的. 




The position of 取向的领导者 allows a student to make a substantial contribution to the University of New England and its new student population. 除了创造一个充满活力, 动态, 教育经历, 取向的领导者s assist new students and their families in making a positive transition to the University of New England. 作为一个团队, the 取向的领导者s actively guide and mentor new students through Experience UNE Day activities, 夏天, 转移, 和坠落方向.



先驱者,迎新领袖s are responsible for serving as mentors to incoming, 一年级学生通过促进和带领各种3夜活动, 为期4天旅行, 其中大部分是户外活动. Trailblazers should have an interest in the outdoors and be passionate about fostering peer-to-peer connections.



第一年专家(FYEs)发展, 实现, and facilitate a variety of 项目 and coordinated support services that welcome first-year students to the UNE community. FYEs负责确保一年级学生能够接触到人, 资源, 项目, 以及帮助他们感受到参与和支持的服务. Each FYE has their own distinct role but will work collaboratively as a team to facilitate a seamless transition to the college environment.



ULEAD大二学生奖学金为1美元,000 scholarship provided to up to 24 full-time UNE undergraduate students who demonstrate not only a history of outstanding involvement, 完整性, 以及课堂内外的领导力, but a promising future of continued involvement throughout the rest of their UNE career and beyond.


领袖学者奖学金是2美元,500 scholarship provided to up to six full-time UNE undergraduate students who demonstrate a history of outstanding involvement and leadership engagement, 无论是在课堂上还是在正规澳门赌场网络社区. These candidates demonstrate high 完整性 and ability to engage other students in their leadership development process. 最重要的是, 这些学生准备好了, 能力, and willing to do the work necessary to help other UNE students become successful on campus and in their careers.


  • Full-time, on-campus undergraduate, junior or senior standing for the upcoming academic year
  • 至少3分.申请时累积平均成绩为0分
  • 持续参与正规澳门赌场网络

The 学生组织经理s assist the Office of 学生参与 professional staff in the coordination and development of a comprehensive and integrated schedule of events and activities for the University of New England undergraduate population. 作为各扶轮社及组织的联络人及资源, the Managers provide support and guidance for student leaders and host various trainings and events.



大楼经理负责开业, 关闭, 以及校园中心和哈罗德·阿尔方论坛的日常运作, 包括监督学生员工, 与社区成员互动, 处理紧急情况. 大楼管理人员巡视设施, 帮助进入空间, 设置事件, 并为家具买单.



The ULead学生领导力计划 offers the training and education that you need to be the best leader you can be throughout your college career and beyond. In addition to joining the vast array of clubs and organizations that require student leadership, students interested in the ULead学生领导力计划 are encouraged to explore options such as the Annual Fall 领导撤退, 一个质朴的团队建设之旅,包括一流的绳索课程, 以及迎新领袖项目, which prepares students to be valu能力 资源 to incoming students and their families. ULead计划甚至提供 个人参与计划(PDF), enabling you to create a plan of involvement and leadership that feels right for you.


The Student Leader Scholarship program was created to assist active student leaders with the financial demands of a college education. This scholarship seeks to financially reward students so they may remain more active role models on campus rather than seeking employment elsewhere. Leader scholars are responsible for designing and coordinating the annual fall 领导撤退 and Annual Leadership Banquet, planning Leadership Workshops and assisting in the ongoing development of the ULEAD Student Leadership Program. 
信息rmation about and applications for the Leader Scholarship Program are avail能力 In the Office of Student Activities/Organizations at the beginning of the spring semester for positions in the following academic year. 有关该计划的更多信息, 联系学生活动/组织办公室,电话:(207)602-2447.


The University of New England offers an unusual opportunity for two students each year to serve as full voting members of the University's Board of Trustees, 出席所有定期的受托人会议. 像这样, 他们为我们所有的学生群体和董事会提供了联系, 并对这个指导正规澳门赌场网络未来的总体管理机构有真正的投入. 学生受托人 不仅为董事会提供学生的观点, they also build connections between and within each campus through their work with all student government organizations. 学生受托人是由他们的同龄人和管理人员组成的委员会选出的.